on the mossy ledge of a craggy, the range of small web-footed water animals bound
to their favored niche to sing the melodious cry for dinner. The evening was
teaming with the noise of the unsuspecting bugs oblivious in the moon lit sky.
the idiom of a whip, the flying insects were vanishing with every swipe of the
spongy cord. A slurp, gulp, and croak could be heard throughout the night.
Shortly, the noise began tapering as the band of green and speckled amphibians
grew satisfied with bursting delight.
growing sound came from the heavens as a squeak of sightless hunters flapped by
in sporadic patterns listening for aerial quarry. The churning breeze made the
sweltering evening tolerable as the darting shadows and its dizzying dance,
reduced the remaining winged-morsels. The craving radio-waved flying mammals
sped off for other indulgencies.
an immense silhouette, another slow passing hollow shriek rang out in the night
causing the bulbous eyed jumpers to cower deeper within the recess. The
strident silence appeared as a back-churning flurry ended with a weighty
settling above in the canopy.
gradual loom of slithering resonance crushed through the evergreens. The
weighty cushions of a quadruplet legged mass slowly waddle around the brook. An
intermittent flip of a pronged mop jutted in and out of the scaly maw. Tasting
the moist air, the brute peered to identify its surroundings before resting on
its underside by the fresh torrent.
crackling din above caused the scores of perceptive bystanders to glance
upward, only to view the turning of a blackened horned gloominess. Silence
ensued and fashioned repose and sleep became imminent.
distinguished encounter clicked near as a moving strength parted the saplings.
Wooly branches descended toward the rivulet. The colossal head lapped measures
of liquid and clumped its stalwart limbs. With a twitch from behind the beast
launched over the gully and discovered fresh clover to consume quietly in the luminosity.
tall and furry lobed lump hopped quickly past, startling the local inhabitants.
With a shift and a spring the bulge stopped briefly surveying its retreat with
a rapid sniff. A scratched movement above soaked terror in an immobile unity.
With a swooshing of powerful strength, a blinding shade blazed by with a
fleeing grunt.
The Elk shifted and bolted over the bushes, the
frogs croaked and dove into the water, bats flew off in every direction, and
finally the hare stood on its hind quarters before bouncing off into the
shrubs. The horned owl glided away with its prey content with its choice as a
new day approached.Patrick Tremblay
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