On the flipside, if a kiss is delivered badly,
one seals his or her fate, especially if a new relationship is in the works.
Therefore, before this goes any further, one should ask themselves, “Where do I
measure?” As long as one has kissed in their lives, have they learned any
skills or techniques that keep the event fresh? At
times romance is in a rut and these established skills are taken for
granted. Seriously, think about it, is the person good at a kiss or could the
act use some invigorating help?
To become a better kisser, here are
some key points to consider in helping one become a superior kisser. These
skills will enhance the individual’s ability to weaken the knee or create that
cardio marathon. One should use the skills that work best for the situation.
Some skills are not what one looks for but can use the acts in the experiment
to hone the ability to please his or her partner.
Never underestimate the use of eye
contact. The delivery is important, and just like any delivery it should never
be late. If one cannot read the signals, it is better not to try until you can.
One method is to move closer SLOWLY
to the recipient. An invitation will not be spoken here, and one should never ask if
it is alright to proceed. Do not invade one’s space, just inch closer to the
target, and do
not make physical contact. This will build anxiety, and look for the flicker of
his or her eyes as they look toward one’s lips for confirmation. This will show the way to
the intense act of a passionate caress of the lips. In other words: a kiss, a
lip-lock, sucking face, a make-out session, etc.
A make-out session should conclude with
an element of adorability. This element could include a tiny series of pecks on
the cheek, the forehead or temple, and the tip of the nose. With passion in the
works, it is important to stop for a breather and look into his or her eyes
before moving in for another kiss—this is rapture. A rapturous kiss when not
expecting it is sexy. On the flipside, when strolling in the park or at the
mall, from nowhere, press up against a partner’s body, wrap an arm around them
and make-out passionately. Do not care who walks by! This will create a
passionate memory that will last a lifetime.
A passionate kiss is imperative to the
success of a continued relationship. Kiss slowly and make sure to read the movements of
one’s partner. If one wants to continue kissing in any liaison than one
should mean it and constantly induce passion to the act. Be strong in this
point, and mix these ingredients into the kiss. One should kiss long, add the
slow part here, and add a splash of kissing deeply and hard. A passionately hot
kiss is garnished with either a hand wrapped around one’s waist or fingers gently in his or
her hair right behind one’s neck. Most people adore their hair fiddled with
and the slightest pressure showing support at the neck. Do this at once and watch the fireworks
One can display fireworks in another
way by stealing a kiss like a thief in the night. This technique is a winner
every time. Kisses are not always delivered face-to-face; sometimes kisses need
to be a surprise. When a relationship begins, one takes his or her mate on
dates. Never stop taking dates, this creates ruts and contention. Try this on
the next date, and become the rogue partners’ looks for. One should excuse him
or herself to freshen up at a bar, a restaurant, the game, etc. When returning,
steal up behind them and put a hand around his or her waist and kiss the side
of the recipient’s neck just under the ear. This brazen act will send quivers
down one’s spine. Add a secret to this act and whisper into his or her ear to
cement the longevity of this association.
Last, enhance your kiss with a
heartfelt embrace. One should hug his or her partner to the right side. By doing
this act the couple aligns hearts which are at the closest convergence in an
embrace and the couple will feel the heartbeat of his or her partner. The power
of this embrace can send chills through the couple and this fire will ignite
any relationship to the next level. Always conduct yourself like a lady or a
gentleman while committing to a relationship. There will always be time for
naughty behavior if one plays his or her cards right and this is another topic
to write about in the future.
In the meantime, a person needs the right amount of confidence and tenderness to deliver a proper kiss. Over-confident is a huge turn-off for many, and men and women despise a potential partner who is over-confident in oneself. With eye-contact, adorability, passion, risks, and communication one can enjoy a lifetime in a relationship. If this is what one wishes, and by following these simple rules, let the kissing commence.
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