Ÿ Standing straight, roll your head front and back side to side 20 times each
Ÿ Lift and roll your shoulders frontward and backward 30 times
Ÿ Standing, lift each leg to your chest 20 times
Ÿ One arm on wall; place your other hand on your waist, lean with your waist to wall both sides 30 times
Ÿ One arm on wall; lift your other arm over your head both sides 30 times
Ÿ Reach down and touch your toes holding it for one minute, relaxing your legs and back
Ÿ 20 horse stance twists; both arms extended or lead with your elbows
Ÿ On the floor, do 30 leg lifts both sides; leaning your weight slightly forward with your legs straight, lift as high as you can for burn.
Ÿ On the floor, do 30 leg lifts both sides; leaning your weight slightly backwards
(With Bottom leg bent and your head resting on your hand)
Ÿ Lay on your stomach and do 50 leg lifts both sides, lift as high as you can
Ÿ Roll over on your back (hands under your bottom) and do a scissor kick 20 times each side
Ÿ On your back, place both hands under your bottom; lift both legs together 40 times. Exhale slowly as you lower your legs
Ÿ Cross your hands on your chest and do 50 sit-ups or crunches. I will wrap my arms around my knees and roll back and forth to naturally align my spine; plus it feels good
Ÿ Put your hands on your ears and do cross sit-ups (DON’T PULL ON YOUR NECK). Each time you do a crunch, cross your elbow over to the opposite knee
Ÿ Roll over to your stomach and get into push up position. With your arms, stretch your stomach by lifting your weight up through your shoulders and arms while looking up for 30 seconds
Ÿ Do 50 push-ups shoulder width (work on this until you can get up to 100)
Ÿ Do 50 push-ups wide width (work on this until you can get up to 100)
Ÿ Stand up and flex your chest. Breathe in and out filling up your lungs several times to oxygenate your blood.
Ÿ Take a walk or run at least 3 times a week.
Ÿ Eat five small portions and drink lots of fluids throughout the day
I am not a trainer or workout expert in any way, and if you choose to do these, you might want to consult your physician before you begin. I like this program because it works for me.
Enjoy a healthy and happy life
Example of a GREAT Golf Swing (Hayden Tremblay)
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