Decorating Styles
a professional interior decorator will give a home the flair it much needs,
this will only come with a dent in the wallet. The good thing, however, is that
the various interior decoration styles can be understood by almost everyone. All
it requires of
someone is he or she uses a little imagination and infuses some personal flavor
in the design. Some people opt to study interior decoration, but for those with
a knack for creativity, it is a talent that just comes naturally and can nurture
in the process of creating a stylish space in their houses. Some of the
decorating styles that can be used to give the much-needed push into the
colorful realm of interior decoration include:
Deco Ambience
by the use of modest structures and colors, this involves the use of
sleek, strong lines, and wooden furniture lacquered in black. Use mostly red, white,
and black colors for this style, but the use of dull purple, pale blue, and dove
gray work as well. The colors are always accentuated through the use of
aluminum, steel, glass, mirrors, chrome, and white marble. Although the
flooring for art deco is generally white or black marble, the lighting is
integral and incorporates the use of table lamps, ceiling lights, and wall
scones throughout the room.
embodies the oriental style of interior decorating by plain furnishings plus
uncluttered areas. This style always appeals to those who like balancing the
positive and negative aspects of their lives. You can use Feng Shui, an ancient
Chinese form of decorating and chi balance, to design the space in your house.
It always utilizes the direction of flow of energy in determining the best
arrangement for your house. Tatami floor mats and rugs form an integral part of
ancient oriental culture, and as such can include this classic covering. Fabrication
of most furnishings should typically include bamboo, lacquer, or black wood.
borrows heavily from Art Deco style, but adds a little dash of comfort. The
characterization of this style is shown by subtlety, simplicity alongside the
use of geometric shapes. The floor can either be wooden or tiled, while the
colors used include white, black, and neutrals.
English country style is all about charisma, comfort, and functionality. Country style
mainly emphasizes a striking balance with nature and comes in handy in
decorating cottage type houses that have gardens, which are commonly found in
villages and small towns. It also uses warm colors, and thus imparts a kind of
inner coziness to a house. Furnishings used in English country style are
generally heavy in wood work.
this article does not cover each style in detail, it gives a solid base to work
from in determining if the style meets the homeowner’s desires. Other popular
interior decoration styles are the Mediterranean decor, Victorian decor, and
Retro decor. Because interior decoration is a craft, you need to have
a feel for it, and one should strive to understand the various aspects that
form its core. It is also much advisable to check out one’s guests’ reactions
as he or she tries different styles of interior decorating.